Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lindsay Lohan is drinking

Lindsay Lohan has been drinking and partying again after her 6 week stay in a rehab facility in Malibu, California. She once stated that she wanted to stay sober and was seen with an alcohol monitoring bracelet that she choose to wear herself. Everything was looking good but it appears that she has "fallen off the wagon". People reports that she was drinking Grey Goose and Red Bull and partied past 4 a.m. this weekend. (April 21)
Hopefully this is only a minor screw-up. Too many celebrities these days are checking into rehab for alcohol and/or substance abuse. I think its pretty sad that most of the celebrities who are doing these things have thousands of fans (mostly teenage females) who look up to them. They see these girls drinking, doing drugs, and partying and believe it is the cool thing to do. It seems to be catching up to them though. Britney Spears, Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, and many others have been arrested, put into rehab, or have had emotional disasters. Hopefully they will begin to realize that what they are doing is hurting their image, as well as their bodies, they will stop all of this craziness.



JuiceBox said...

What a suprise...lol

ECCB - Jason said...

People like this get what they deserve. It is nice to know that celebs don't get special treatment when it comes to crime. In fact, the media creates even larger consequences for these celebs.m