I agree she is a bit young to be taking pictures like this. However, Cyrus believed at the time that the pictures seemed very artistic and not scandalous in any way. The picture to the right (perezhilton.com) is not racy in any way! In none of the pictures she is showing anything inappropriate. She does seem to have a younger fan base but she is slowly getting older fans. If people have a problem with her younger fans seeing these pictures, I have a problem with the youngsters looking at Vanity Fair. The magazine is typically for older adult women, not teeny boppers.
A lot of listeners called into KISS FM upon hearing about the topic. Many parents are outraged by the idea of young girls posing liking Miley and wearing makeup. Surprise parents! Girls are starting to wear makeup in 6th grade (that makes them 11 years old)!
I think the whole Miley Cyrus buzz is a little bit ridiculous to begin with. She's just bound be to another Britney.
What's that all about anyway? What're the advantages of wearing makeup, like for a 20-year old?There must be some disadvantages too -- what are they?
Do some people wear makeup everyday, or just in special situation?
I really think this is the fault of society. She is only 14 or 15 and already she is taking provocative pictures because unfortunately one of the ways to get your name out there is to do something "shocking",and then have everyone discuss it. If you think about it most of the female celebrities start off innocent and are so twisted by fame, fortune, and society into this horrible image of what a girl should be, which is not right! These girls are going to follow the acts of these celebs and end up just as messed up.
She's way too young and shouldn't have taken those pictures. I find it strange that her parents were there and were okay with it. They should have known she would have recieved negative attention from the media.
I think that it is kind of early for Miley to start on the path of fame leading her to nudity pictures and other things. I think that the Hollywood world should try to preserve the young stars as such and not turn them to Playboy celebrities. I think that a lot of young fans look up to Disney stars and try to act like them and for Miley to have such pics in a magazine is scandalous and completely inappropriate for her age. There is nothing normal about a 14-15 year old girl necked in ANY kind of magazine.
i compleatly agree with codeword..shes on the same path every stupid, idiotic pop star is bound to end up on
This is crazy. This picture is not that risque if you ask me. If anybody actually knows the work of Annie Leibovitz, they would know that she has a very artistic approach to her pictures. They're not stupid "lets-post-this-on-my-myspace" pictures, they're very artistic, done in the same spirit as a painting. This isn't explicit and she is not really out of control. It's not some sleazy amateur Pam Anderson sex-video, its a picture for chrissake. Get over it.
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