Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jamie Lynn Pregnant?!

If you haven't heard already, Britney's little sister is pregnant and she's due in July! Is it just me, or is the Spears family messed up? First, there was all the drama surrounding Britney's marriages and bad parenting skills. Now, Jamie Lynn is following in her big sister's footsteps. Does she really feel like she is ready to be a mother? She's only 16 and she still has her whole life ahead of her! Original plans stated the teens mother would take care of the child so Jamie Lynn could lead a "normal" childhood. Now plans have changed due to the engagement between Jamie Lynn and the father of the baby.
Who's to blame for this behavior? It could be the influence Britney has put on Jamie Lynn's life. Or it could be simply the media putting so much stress on her. Another cause could just be raging teenage hormones. Would this still have happened if she wasn't constantly in the spotlight? Personally, I believe it's a combination of all the above.
Also, should she still be allowed to be on her Zoey 101? Or should she be punished for her taboo acts?


Cassie said...

I think that the whole family needs to be in rehab. Brittany use to be a good singer but her life is too messed up for that lifestyle anymore. Her sister, is just a whore if you want my opinion. I personally believe that she just wants the attention of the public. It is sad how desperate she is! It is her life and now she has wasted it.

Wonder Woman said...

The Spears family is really in need of help. Everyone from Jamie Lynn to the parents could use some help. Maybe if they left the spotlight for a while, they would be able to see how embarrising their family looks. I did feel bad for the family, but in all honesty they are making the situation worse for themselves.

Anonymous said...

At least she seems to handling herself better than Britney... she hasnt shaved her head yet.

ECCB-Angela said...

Their whole family definitly needs help. Too bad Jamie is following in her sister's footsteps; it seemed like she actually had a lot going for her, with her TV show and all. Now, things are going to be all messed up. Their family already went through a lot with all the stuff Brittney did and this does not help their family in any way.

joe horvath said...

i just think it is out of this world that the mom sold the story to a magazine for money...as if they dont have enough already? and why would she want bad publicity for her daughter?